9:00 AM Breaking of Bread
10:00 AM Sunday School (K-5)
10:15 AM Worship Music
10:30 AM Family Bible Hour + Sunday School (6-12)
11:00 AM Fellowship
Breaking of Bread
The central focus of this service is to remember the great sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Just before Jesus died, as part of the Passover Feast, He shared bread and wine with His disciples. Then He said, "Do this in remembrance of Me." (Luke 22:19, 20; I Corinthians 11:23-26). Jesus explained that bread and wine are symbols of His body given and His blood shed on the cross of Calvary. These symbols help remind us that Christ and His death are central to our personal faith and salvation.
Scripture would suggest the early Christians met often as a church, probably once a week (Acts 2:42; 20:7) to remember the Lord's death. We follow this pattern at Lombard Gospel Chapel. This service is referred to not only as "The Lord's Supper", but also as "Breaking of Bread", "Worship and Remembrance" or "Communion".
We worship God in song, prayer, praise and sharing from God's Word. Any man who knows Christ as Savior and Lord is welcome to take part in leadership in any of these avenues.
Everyone who knows Christ as Savior and Lord is welcome to partake of the Lord's Supper as we remember Him. The bread is broken and passed, and each person partaking then eats a small portion. The grape juice is served in individual cups. Each person who is participating drinks and replaces the empty cup back into the tray. If you are uncertain of your relationship to Christ, we ask you to simply pass the bread and cups to the one seated next to you.
Children should be encouraged to take the bread and cup only after parents are certain of the child's personal faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and that they have a clear understanding of the meaning of the service.
“...That in all things Christ might have the preeminence. ”
Family Bible Hour
The Family Bible Hour is our weekly Worship/teaching service. It is held at 10:15am on Sunday mornings and runs concurrently with our Sunday School (pre-school through high school).
Our worship time begins with a musical section led by one of our worship teams and it is followed by a message from God's Word.
We are simulcasting our Family Bible Hour service Online for those that are not able to attend. To see our growing library of video content, visit our YouTube Channel and don’t forget to click Subscribe so that you will be notified whenever new content is available.