Chapel Chatter Spring 2021
I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in Me will no longer remain in the darkness.
John 12:46 NLT
“Jesus spoke to them again saying, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of Life.” John 8:12
When I think about Light and Darkness, I’m transported to an experience I had in college during an ROTC weekend field trip. We had spent the whole day learning and practicing wilderness navigation. Once it was dark, our practice turned to night navigation, using a topographic map, compass and flash light. Our assignment was to locate several hidden objects in a vast forest of overgrown jungle and wild animals in the middle of Georgia. Everything started well until we were deep in the woods and our flashlight died. The three of us were lost, now blinded to our surroundings, and scared.
Our Lord Jesus referred to Himself as the Light of the world many times. In most cases, He was making a spiritual point of obtaining righteousness and forgiveness of sins through faith in His finished work on the cross - what we call Salvation. However, in this particular verse He used the word “follows” as in an active daily decision to deny self guidance and pursue the only One who IS the Light and knows the way home. Our world seems to be getting darker and scarier by the day. What a hope we have in knowing that the Light of the world promised to lead us safely home. May we be faithful followers until that day. - Dan Daghfal
“ARISE AND SHINE! For your LIGHT has come, and the GLORY OF THE LORD has risen upon you”. - Isaiah 60:1
“He who created Light from darkness -- declared to be THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD” 🕯️ -- after He made atonement for us during three hours of total darkness -- He has shined HIS LIGHT into our hearts.
Now -- by the Power of His Spirit, each of us has been commissioned by God to SHINE HIS LIGHT!
Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. - Matt. 5:16 NIV
“ People Need the Lord”
People need the Lord, people need the Lord;
At the end of broken dreams, He's the open door.
This song is my prayer. - Jim Campbell
“Holiness should be the goal of all of us sinful believers, as we are being transformed into His likeness. It is something I need the Holy Spirit to work in me everyday.” - LGC family member
“The Lord has shown to me over and over His steadfast faithfulness and mercy. My desire is to be steadfast in service to Him, steadfast in prayer, steadfast in joy, steadfast in awe of His sovereignty.” - Beth Marshall
SURRENDER - I'm surrendering my health, home, heart and hopes in 2021 to the One who knows me best and loves me most — my Lord, Savior and Friend - Vicki Del Boccio
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:29
FOCUS is my word for 2021, as I want to keep my focus always on God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. - Dolores Schultz
PURPOSE: On Dec 3, 2020, my heart stopped, causing me to pass out in the shower. I was home alone. God has a purpose for letting my heart start again and keeping it beating with a pacemaker. - Jody Lutes
My word for 2021 is FAITH. This last year has been a good year as well as a hard year. I have found that not being able to worship with my Chapel family, as I have for the last 60 plus years, has truly been a challenge and a test of FAITH for me - one that I will look back on as a learning experience.
I teach preschool and work as the religious education secretary for the St. Daniel Catholic Church in Wheaton. I am required to wear a mask when I teach and have slowly gotten used to it, but it has been hard. The mask that we wear are a type of shield so that the children are able to see our faces. When I work as the secretary, I am only required to wear a mask when others are in my area.
With that being said, my “bubble” is very, very small. I haven’t been to a restaurant, event, or store, etc. since the beginning of last March because when I have to wear a full mask for more than a half an hour, I start to get a headache which develops into a migraine. I would love to spend Sunday worshiping in person with my Chapel Family, but as of yet that is not to be. I have been worshipping in front of my TV, so this is where my word for this year comes into play, FAITH! I have FAITH that I will soon be able to get out of my bubble and start coming to church again and start getting back to a somewhat “normal” life. I have FAITH that this all has been worth it, and I have grown closer to my Lord and Savior.
What a glorious word FAITH is! FAITH is not a word to throw around lightly, especially this past year. I truly believe that if I didn’t have FAITH, this past year and this upcoming year would be a very trying time for me. I thank the Lord that I have FAITH and I know that my Savior is walking right beside me and will always be. - Judy Badger
Our family has become more aware than we’ve ever been, how much we need God-given COURAGE. Courage to stand for what has become a serious offense: the truth, specifically, the Truth of the Gospel. Lord, help us lovingly, without compromise, to courageously speak the truth of the Gospel, the light of Truth, in 2021. - The Daghfal Family
Hello, Lombard Gospel Chapel! My word for the year is “COURAGE”.
I heard a definition of courage the other day from my friend, Mark Jobe. His definition of courage is “the inner strength to do the right thing, despite being afraid.”
I don’t know about you, but Covid has taken its toll on courage. My inner strength needs fortifying most days. And in our world fear, and even panic, seem to be running rampant with every breaking news cycle.
Plus, “social distancing” requirements have thrown a kink in our “life-giving” routines. Really, the only demand the CDC asks for is “distancing”, yet we all have had less opportunities for simple conversations with friends and family we once took for granted. The stuff that happens around the Keurig stand at work, conversations between services at church, or holiday visits have been harder to come by. And it has led to discouragement for many of us.
“Social distancing” has a way of slowing sapping our courage.
SO - I’m reminding myself this year of God’s encouragement to me to have “courage”. To re-center myself on Scriptures that remind me in so many places like in Psalm 56: “When I am afraid, I put my trust in You . . . What can mere mortals do to me?” Or in Deuteronomy 31: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." Or in Roman 8:31-39, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Plus, there’s so many songs and hymns that can be an encouragement along these lines. May this song be yours from Matt Boswell:
“Christ, the Sure and Steady Anchor”
“Christ, the sure and steady Anchor
In the fury of the storm;
When the winds of doubt blow through me
And my sails have all been torn.
In the suffering, in the sorrow,
When my sinking hopes are few
I will hold fast to the Anchor
It shall never be removed.”
May we seek the Lord more boldly and find the courage He can only provide for us to carry out the things God has entrusted us to do this year! - Bruce Everhart
2020 Reflections
You will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the Word of life. - Phil. 2:15b,16b NIV
“I was initially saddened by the cancelation of the summer ministries (VBS, Missions Trip, Sports Camp) last summer. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. We got to spend a lot of time with family over the summer in Indiana. Boat rides, water sports, fireworks, walks in the warm summer air, trips for ice cream and lots of card and board games. It was a time of sweet refreshment, good conversations and wonderful memories. I was reminded that God knows what He is doing even when I don't. His ways are greater than my ways. Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus.” - Tom Hephner
“Love thy neighbor”. This verse took on a new meaning during the pandemic. Our friendships with the five families around us blossomed with the enforced downtime. Our yards became one big gathering spot where kids ran freely. We celebrated Halloween with games and grilling. The Christmas season was spent around various outdoor fires. We had a cookie exchange, a soup buffet, and plenty of s’mores. Nothing replaces family time. But God blessed us with the next best thing. - Beth Komperda
Last September, 2020, Peter and I drove out West to see some of the National Parks. But we did stop at the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum. 168 Americans, young and old, died there 25 years ago. It was a reminder of the brevity of life. The Grand Canyon and Mt. Rushmore were my favorites but each park was an awesome wonder designed by a powerful God. We were encouraged by opportunities to talk about Christ to ready listeners. - Gini Meyer
A year ago I began making and showing Bible signs. As Covid hit, I began sharing gospel messages on the I-55 overpass such as "Where will YOU spend eternity?” & "GOD is NOT willing that ANY should perish" These and 28 others were also shown in Xenia, YellowSprings and London, Ohio and even in Hollywood, Florida. Pray eternal souls will respond. - Peter Meyer
The Lord has utilized the challenges of 2020 to remind us that He is in control and remains our “stronghold” as stated in Ps 27:1. We are so thankful for the love He has shown us through our chapel family during Collin’s hospitalizations. The birthday video, cards, phone calls, FaceTime chats and Christmas caroling were such a blessing to us and a testimony to others. The nurses still ask about the “carolers” from the video clips on Collin’s iPad and were impacted by the sight of 5 teenagers praying for him on FaceTime. - The Bray Family